Eating for Your Energy Type: How Human Design Can Optimize Your Digestion

holistic nutrition human design Feb 10, 2023
Digestion according to your human design energy type

Is your body is begging for a change in the way you eat? Are you tired of the endless generic nutrition advice that doesn't work for you? It's time to embrace your unique energy type and start nourishing your body in alignment with how YOU are designed to digest.

Human Design is a tool that blends ancient wisdom with modern science to uncover the codes of your soul. It is a synthesis of several disciplines, including the Indian-Hindu system of Chakra analysis, the Chinese I Ching, astrology, the Kabbalah, quantum physics, and the teachings of Carl Jung, and it offers a unique perspective on the relationship between our physical and psychological traits.

By understanding your Human Design energy type, you can learn more about your digestion and metabolism and make more informed choices about your diet.

So, let's journey together and discover how you can honour your body by eating for your energy type.

Generators and Manifesting Generators: Digestion

Generators and Manifesting Generators have a strong, stable center of gravity in their sacral center, which governs digestion, metabolism, and elimination. This center gives them a strong digestive system and the ability to effortlessly process a variety of foods.

When it comes to nourishing their bodies, Generators and Manifesting Generators will ideally listen to the whispers of their hunger and focus on eating regular, balanced meals. A diet rich in plant-based protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats will support their robust digestion.

It's important to remember to RESPOND to your foods. Do you contract or expand at the idea of an ingredient? This is invaluable intel that will support your decision making when it comes to your nutrition.



Manifestors: Digestion

Manifestors have a commanding, fast-paced center of gravity in their throat center, which governs communication and self-expression. This center gives them a strong metabolism and the ability to handle larger portions of food at once.

When it comes to nourishing their bodies, Manifestors would do well to embrace their hunger and focus on eating infrequent, large meals. A diet rich in plant-based protein and healthy fats will fuel their fast metabolism.

Projectors: Digestion

Projectors have a delicate digestive system, goverened by their solar plexus center, which is their placement of personal power and decision-making. This center gives them a sensitive digestive system that requires extra care and attention.

When it comes to nourishing their bodies, Projectors would do well to listen to the whispers of their hunger and focus on eating small, frequent meals. A diet rich in fiber, fruits, and vegetables will support their sensitive digestion and promote overall wellness.

Reflectors: Digestion

Reflectors possess a slow-moving splenic center that governs their instinctual response to stimuli. This center gives them a slow metabolism that requires a focus on nutrient-dense foods for energy.

When it comes to nourishing their bodies, Reflectors would do well to honour their hunger and focus on eating small, frequent meals. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and plant-based protein will fuel their slow metabolism and nourish their soul.


In conclusion, by understanding and embracing your Human Design energy type, you can gain insights into your metabolism optimize your digestion for ultimate wellness. Remember, everyone's experience is unique, and it's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional or registered holistic nutritionist for personalized nutrition advice. Heck, you can even book a session with me to get in-depth, personal insight on your entire Body Graph, along with a complete and customized nutrition strategy.

Not ready for the one-on-one experience? No worries, I've gotchu. You can sign up for my 2-day masterclass on integrating Human Design and Ayurveda for nutrition and wellness.

Regardless, I hope you received some helpful insights from this post.

Nourish your body with love and care, and watch as your digestion thrives. Happy eating!

- Amy